Monday, December 5, 2011

My story!!!!

I have not always needed to lose weight.  I was a skinny kid and thin teenager,  in high school I had an eating disorder and was pretty much addicted to diet pills for a while. As a freshman in college I put on the freshman fifteen but lost it over the summer.  The following year my boyfriend and I had an apartment together and I put it back on.  Before I got married a few years later I decided to try my first real diet I had a nutrition counselor and trainer and lost about twenty five pounds before I got married.  Over the course of three years I gained about twenty pounds back.   My husband and I decided to have a baby during my pregnancy I gained between twenty five and thirty pounds but, lost it shortly after having my son.  But during the next year while my Mom was going through some medical issues I gained all my pregnancy weight back.  I decided the following fall when I went back to work after a year off to lose the weight and went on slim fast I was able to lose the weight over the course of about four months.  I have continued to gain and lose weight over the past four years for various reasons pregnancy, stress, major surgery etc.  And have lost it too.  Last fall I took me time and lost forty five pounds vowing that I was not going to gain weight again guess what I lied.  Here I am again needing to lose about fifty pounds.   I started working out again in October and really watching my diet in November and so far have lost around six pounds.  I wanted to be down twenty by Christmas but, I do not think that will happen I am trying to watch what I eat and excercise.  I have visions of being thinner.  I know what got me back to this point a lot of blizzards and candy with a side of fast food.  I know that I can do this I just need a little support and results would be nice too.  Hopefully by blogging I will be able to keep track and stay motivated.